Hi friend! I’m so happy you found me!
I’m Cathy, a quiet soul with a new-found passion for supporting women who are on their own journey of self-love and self-discovery.
If you were to tell the younger me that I would eventually be on a path to inspire others to go after their dreams and build confidence along the way, I wouldn’t believe it.
In high school, I was always the quiet one, unsure of the next steps to take. Afraid I would do the wrong thing and upset someone. Wondering if people liked me and believed that if they didn’t then I just wasn’t good enough. Bouncing between groups of friends and not having a sense of belonging….In other words, it felt a bit isolating.

Fast forward to college and I began to find my footing. I gained a whole new group of friends that I loved, and I felt accepted. My time at Virginia Tech was one of the greatest experiences of my life. For instance, attending football games, tailgating, meeting new people, to pursuing my passion for science and majored in Biochemistry. It was the best decision to choose Biochem because that allowed me to cross paths with my love!
“I wasn’t taking care of ME!”
After college, real life hit….hard. Time for friends to move away and for me to start a full-time job. I had my love by my side, so I wasn’t totally alone, but I decided to buckle down and focus everything on accelerating my scientific career. It wasn’t until years later, after we had a rough patch in our marriage, that I realized I had been focusing so much on my career and making others happy that I neglected the most important person, myself. I wasn’t taking care of ME!
This is when I began a long journey of self-discovery and worked on my self-love and self confidence. Enter Heather Allison, the one that helped me see myself and the world around me in a different way, that truly changed my life. I felt better about myself, learned how to set boundaries, and learned I was going to be okay no matter what happens in life.
“Squash those limiting beliefs, and turn those beliefs into possibilities.”
This journey has been the toughest one yet and I couldn’t have done it alone. I developed enough courage to try new things and to go find my ‘tribe’. I’m happy to say, I found it through a wonderful group of supportive, strong women, Linked Ladies. I discovered that supporting others who are also on their journey of self-discovery and self-love and sharing things in my life that fill me up is a passion of mine.
I hope this inspires you to go after your dreams, to try new hobbies and find what makes you happy. To squash those limiting beliefs you may have and instead, turn those beliefs into possibilities. It’s never too late to change what you believe you are meant for.